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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Year 1 - Mrs Brealey/Miss Kilburn and Mrs E Marsden

Little Wandle Reading Books


As you are aware, children on our Little Wandle phonics scheme take part in three reading practice sessions per week in class. They then take this book home to read to further embed their phonics knowledge by reading the book to a parent/carer. Please write the name of the book, date read and a short comment when you have read the book with your child. 


The book, when returned, goes straight back to the set of 6 books required for the next group to read the following week.


When a book is not returned, the set is incomplete, meaning that groups of children who are reading in these sessions do not have enough books to have one each. For these sessions to be successful, every child needs a book - all sets need to be complete please.


We are asking for you to support us with this. Please make it a priority to return the book back to school on time. We are going to start to charge for unreturned books - the cost will be £4.75 per book. This is the cost for the book to be ordered and replaced so that the book set is complete and ready for a group to access. 


Thank you for your understanding and support. 


A warm welcome to Class 4 from...

Miss Kilburn (Class Teacher on Mon/Tue/Wed)

Mrs Brealey (Class Teacher on Wed/Thurs/Fri)

Mrs Fox (Class Teaching Assistant on Mon-Thurs)

Ms Kerr (Class Teaching Assistant on Fri)

Ms Noreen (SEN Teaching Assistant/Keyworker)

Mrs Roland (PPA Teacher)




A warm welcome to Class 3 from...

Mrs Marsden (C3 Class Teacher on Mon-Thurs)

Mrs Scholes (C3 Class Teacher on Fri)

Mrs Marley (Class Teaching Assistant)

Miss Stead (PPA Teacher)


On this web page we will include photographs and examples of our work for you to enjoy at home. There will be links to websites to practise things that you have learnt at school and help you with your homework. 

  • Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday. We wish for you to read these at home and return on a Monday.
  • Spellings are sent home on a Friday and should be practised in time for the Spelling Test the following week.
  • PE is currently on a Friday. Children need to come to school in their PE kit as we are not getting changed in school at this time. Hair must be tied up and earrings removed at home.
  • We would appreciate any contributions to our class fund. This can be handed to any of the adults in class who will then record it in our class fund book. This will go towards additional extras in our learning and for rewards in class. We will let you know how we have spent your kind donations on our Class newsletter.
  • Please ensure you are connected to our Class Dojo page where we will send messages and post reminders you may need. Please note this is not checked regularly by staff, so any messages must be either passed onto staff at the classroom door, a written note or notify the office.

Important Information

Starting time: 8.50am

Home time: 3.20pm





