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Just a polite reminder as we enter the next stage of the ‘road out of lockdown’…


Nationally the case rates now stand around 21 per 100,000, with a reduction in hospital admissions and deaths resulting from the successful vaccine roll out.  


Unfortunately, Wakefield, and our neighbouring local authorities, continue to have some of the highest case rates in the country. Our current case rate is 48/100,000 which is more than twice the national rate. A significant proportion of these cases are in young people. So, whilst it feels lovely to be getting some sort of normality back, we are still faced with some unknowns and uncertainties at the moment.


Therefore, please can we ask for your support in continuing to support us by not sending your child into school if they are showing any possible symptoms of Covid-19. If your child does develop any symptoms in school we will call you and ask for you to arrange for your child to have a PCR test. Lateral Flow Tests DO NOT replace PCR tests. These tests are very different from PCR. People with symptoms need a PCR test. Lateral flow tests are intended for picking up additional infected cases who would otherwise be missed because they don’t have any symptoms. They are not as sensitive as PCR tests.


Also, can we please remind you to make sure your child is on time for the start of the day. We are having more and more pupils arriving late for school. A prompt start to the day is key as missed learning at the start of the lesson leaves our children feeling ‘a little lost’ throughout their lesson and therefore causing unnecessary stress for our children.

Can we thank our families once again for the fantastic job you did during the ‘home-learning’ period. Our recent pupil progress meetings are showing lots of positives in terms of children’s academic achievement and we are working hard to support our children to ‘fill in’ any gaps in learning they may have.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Peace
