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Summer 2023 update

Well … another year has passed us by and there have been some great moments. Firstly, well done to all our children for working so hard. Special mention to Y6s and Y2s with your great SAT results. Well done to our Y4s for your higher than national scores in your times table tests and our Y1s for excellent phonic results. Well done also to our youngest children for working so hard in Early Years - we have some great mathematicians and readers ready to enter year one! 


Even though our SPFEST was disrupted by the rain it was an amazing day seeing our talented and ever so confident young people perform - what stars we have.


Next year we look forward to extending our after-school club offers, the launch of our new breakfast club (hopefully after October half term) and we can’t wait to develop and open the beautiful wildlife area in memory of our lovely Freya - Freya ‘s Garden (thank you for your very kind donations). 


We also have some sad goodbyes. Mr Tyrrell will be leaving us and whilst we wish him all the luck in perusing his career, we will miss him dearly. Mr Shaw has been amazing in supporting our pupils since the pandemic with booster groups and tutoring but he leaves us (again). Mrs Yates will also be leaving us to spend more time with her beautiful family and she also will be dearly missed - the children will miss her nurturing nature. We also say goodbye to the lovely Mrs Adamson who has worked across many year groups and know lots of our children; Mrs Gough who has only been with us for a short time but leaves to pursue her career as a teacher and Mrs Kenny who will leave us to go to work in specialist provision. We are also very sad to say a huge goodbye to Mrs Oldroyd who we really will miss dearly. She has made a difference to so many of our children’s lives. She will also be enjoying her time as a new grandma very soon- we wish her all the best.


We do have a new Y5 teacher joining us who has already met her new class - Miss Pepper. We look forward to welcoming her to our South Parade family.


Also, we have some weddings over the summer break. Miss Hayley will be coming back as Mrs Marsden and Miss Kent will be changing her name to Mrs Allatt, we wish them both the best of luck on their very special days. Also, I will also be getting married in the summer so I will be returning with a new name too. I will be Mrs Hedges from September! 


Thank you for all of your continued support this year and I wish you all a fantastic summer break with your loved ones.


Mrs Peace and South Parade Staff

