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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Diary Dates


Please see below a list of dates for your diary. We will continue to add to these dates with events as the year progresses. When something is added we will alert you by text.

Our SP XTRA team are meeting soon about some exciting dates we have planned throughout the year - we will add these on once confirmed. 

Thank you. 



Dates for your diary:


Summer 2 

Monday 3rd June: School re-opens

Thurs 13th June: Class photo day

Fri 21st June: After school discos

Week beginning Mon 24th June: Stay Safe, Stay Healthy Week (Inc sports days)

Mon 24th June: Y3+4 pm

Tues 25th June: Y1+2 pm    1:30pm

Wed 26th June: C1+2 am

Thurs 27th June: Y5+6 pm

Fri 28th June: Euro 24 day (wear football kit, sports kit or England colours)

Wed 3rd July: Transition morning

Thurs 11th July: Summer Fayre

Tues 16th July: The Big Lunch & SP Fest (afternoon - see details below)

Friday 19th July: School closes at end of school day for summer break


The Big Lunch & SP Fest

We will having our SP Fest as usual (outside weather permitting) during the afternoon starting at 1pm. 

We are inviting any parents who wish to join us beforehand for our 'Big Lunch'. This will involve a picnic on the field where you can bring your picnic blanket and food and sit with your child/ren. Please don't worry if you are unable to join us as every child will still take part with their class teacher and friends on the field.

If you are coming for the picnic please collect your child/ren from their classroom promptly at 11:55am to go to the field. 

SP fest will then take place on the playground from 1pm with parents invited to sit on the banking to watch. 


