South Parade Primary School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We are dedicated to ensuring that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school. All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as "Designated Safeguarding Officers” in school in compliance with the guidance.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Headteacher Mrs. R. Hedges and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers are Mrs. E. Fieldhouse, Mrs Fowles and Mrs. S. Banks.
If you have any serious concerns about your child or any other pupil at South Parade Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact the Safeguarding team who know the procedures to follow, who to contact for the best advice and help, and are experienced in using the appropriate degree of confidentiality.
For the best interests of all our children we use all current guidance / advice from the DFE etc. following safeguarding policies and measures:
Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1: September 2023
The safety of our pupils is paramount in everything we do here at South Parade.
School Streets
In Autumn term 2021 we took part in a pilot 'School Streets' scheme with the Local Authority to maximise the safety of our pupils around the perimeter of our school. Due to the success of this scheme and the positive evaluation with pupils, parents and local residents, we have continued with the programme. This means that two of our local streets are closed to vehicles before and after school ensuring the safety of our families.
School grounds
No smoking in any form is permitted
No bikes or scooters allowed on the playground
No dogs allowed
We ask that parents show consideration at all times for the safety of pupils when parking outside school. We have had incidents where parents have been unable to walk to school with prams, younger children etc. because of unsafe and inconsiderate parking. We must ensure that our children and parents feel safe to cross roads when they come to school and when they leave at the end of the day.
We also ask that parents respect our neighbours. We have had incidents where people have parked in a way that has blocked driveways and neighbouring streets.
Please feel free to use the car park at the Prince of Wales pub or at Malagor and then walk the short distance to school.
Safer schools
Mrs Hedges, our Head Teacher has been leading the way across the Local Authority as part of the Safer Schools Forum.
At our school we have procedures in place for both evacuation and invacuation.
Should we need to evacuate the school building for any reason, for example a fire, we have procedures in place where all staff, pupils and visitors know exactly where to assemble and through which exit. We carry out evacuation practice on a regular basis. Mr Forbes also does a test on the fire alarm every Monday. Should the need arise for us to evacuate the building and move further away than our regular assembly point, we do have an agreed assembly point to go to.
We also have procedures in place for invacuation. There are two procedures that we have in place in this instance.
1. Where the children are outside and have to enter the building in an emergency. Procedures are in place which we have practised and all children, staff and visitors are aware of these.
2. Where the children are inside in classrooms and need to be invacuated further inside the school and out of sight. Again, procedures are in place which we have practised.
We do hope that we do not have to operate any of our procedures but we are prepared if the need did arise. We would aim where possible to communicate with parents through text message and would ask that parents do not contact school.