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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium 


Pupil Premium is government funding which is allocated to schools for children who are, or have been in the past 6 years, eligible for free school meals (FSM), service children, adopted children and any child who have been looked after by the local authority.


You will remember the letters have been sent to you over the past few years encouraging you to apply for free school meals even if you do not want your child to have a school lunch. The reason for this is to ensure that our school receives the maximum amount of funding possible. In the pupil premium strategy statement below you can see how we have used the money to support the children and raise standards for all the pupils at South Parade Primary School.


You can see how important it is that we access this money so that we can continue to focus on raising the achievement of all the pupils at our school. We are passionate about our children achieving the highest academic standards in order to prepare them well for the next stage of their educational journey. We can also support families by using some of this money to support the purchasing of uniforms, for children to go on school visits and residentials or to support extra curricular clubs. 


Each year we will publish a report explaining how we are planning to spend the money, what our main focus is and what the impact of the support has been. You will also be able to see the impact of this money as it supports our continued efforts to raise standards and help the children become confident and well rounded individuals.


We have a Pupil Premium Working group that meet at least every term to review spending and impact, to review actions and to improve practice. This group has representation from various members of the school community and includes our dedicated Pupil Premium governor, Bev Riley as well as Tony Bowering, vice chair of governors. After every pupil premium working group, feedback is given to the full governing body. 


If you have any questions about pupil premium or whether you feel that you might be eligible, please do not hesitate to contact school and speak to Mrs Argent in the office or Mrs E Fieldhouse. We are also more than happy to provide support with form filling if you wish. 


Government information on Pupil Premium:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024 (Working group review meeting 05.12.24)

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022 Review 7.7.22

2021-2022 Pupil Premium Strategy review 16.05.21

2021-2022 Pupil Premium Strategy (including Recovery funding)

2021-2022 Implementation Plan - appendix to the Pupil Premium Strategy

7.7.21 Review of the Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

17.03.21 Review of Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020 reviewed 16.01.20

Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020

Pupil Premium Strategy 2018-2019 end of year review

Pupil Premium Strategy reviewed at Pupil Premium Working Group meeting 25.4.19

Pupil Premium Strategy reviewed at PP working group meeting 29.1.19

Pupil Premium Strategy Reviewed at PP Working Group meeting 9.7.18

Pupil Premium Strategy 2016-2017

Pupil Premium Strategy 2015-2016

South Parade Pupil Premium 2014 - 2015
