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Engaging with the local community

At South Parade Primary School, we value the importance of developing strong links between the school and local, regional and national communities. Through assemblies, concerts and special events, we involve our pupils in the local community, so that they learn how to participate in a practical way in the life and concerns of their neighbourhood and communities. Please see the photos below which show you some of the fun things we take part in throughout the year. Working with parents, local residents, the business community, public services, and voluntary services teaches the children to become active citizens. 

♦ To help the children prepare for the future.
♦ For all of us to care about our school and the environment.
♦ For our children, our parents and our staff to work together.
♦ To acknowledge that our neighbours are important to us.
♦ To accept that South Parade Primary School is not a building in isolation, but is situated within the community of Ossett and surrounding area, which is
part of the larger community of West Yorkshire. It is important that South Parade Primary School, its children, staff and governors are recognised as part of the local and wider community.
♦ To develop links with:
􀂃 parents
􀂃 our neighbours
􀂃 local Primary schools
􀂃 Secondary schools
􀂃 pre-school groups
􀂃 industry and businesses
􀂃 other agencies
􀂃 voluntary/charitable organisations.

Christmas Shopping Evening - November 2023. We held our annual shopping evening on Tuesday and raised over £600 for school. Thank you to all of you who supported us and thank you to the local businesses who were our stallholders.

Remembrance Sunday - Four girls from Year 5 laid the wreath on behalf of school at the war memorial in Ossett.

Scarecrow Festival - This year we took part in Ossett's annual scarecrow festival. The theme was Royalty and Year 4 created their version of the Kings coronation including a sparkling, golden carriage. We came first place in our category and have a lovely shield to display in school for the year.

Milkshake and Movies for our You've been spotted children - December 2022

The 'You've been spotted' children were taken to Hickorys for their treat for being spotted doing the right thing. They enjoyed a morning of movies and milkshakes. Well done everyone! Who will it be next half term? It could be you!

Choir - Christmas Carol Singing - December 2022

Our school choir went out into the local community to sing Christmas Carols. Their first performance was at a local restaurant where they entertained the diners. The children performed again along with other local schools to the shoppers of Ossett.

Trinity Church Christmas Tree Festival - December 2022

We enjoyed taking part in the festival. All the children had the opportunity to make their own World Cup themed decoration and see it displayed on our tree at the festival.

Christmas Shopping Evening - November 2022

Every year, we invite local crafters/businesses into school to share their crafts with our school community. There are always lots of lovely Christmas gift ideas. Watch out for this year's date being announced.

Remembrance Sunday - November 2022

Every year, two children are chosen to represent South Parade at the Remembrance Sunday parade. We are very proud of the children when they lay the wreath on behalf of our school. Well done both of you.

MacMillan Coffee Morning - September 2022

Our Year 6 children organised our MacMillan Coffee Morning and raised over £400 for such a worthy charity. It was lovely to welcome members of the local community into our school.

SPFest - July 2022

After 39 degree heat, then rain, our SP FEST went ahead and it was AMAZING! We are so proud of each and every one of our children. Thank you to the fantastic audience who came along to support us too.

Summer Fayre - July 2022

Every year, our year six children help to run our annual Summer Fayre. With support from our children, parents and local community, this year we managed to raise an astonishing £3030 which will be spent on extra resources for the children.

Gawthorpe Maypole Procession - May 2022

As a school, we take part in the Gawthorpe Maypole Procession every year. This year the theme of our lorry was 'Movies'. The children enjoy making the decorations before the day and then on the day, they love waving to the crowds along the 3 mile route. This year we came 3rd.

OssettFest - April 2022

In April, Mr Tyrrell and Mrs Harrison took a group of children into Ossett to take part in OssettFest. The children learned a specially written song and sung it as flash mob choir. It was a fantastic experience for the children.
