We are very proud of our VI provision at South Parade.
This is a small team based within our mainstream school setting which supports children with Visual Impairments. Our aim is to improve outcomes for VI children by giving them access to large print, tactile, or audio resources as well as specialist staff members. Our team work alongside class teachers to ensure that the children are included in our mainstream class learning. They also work with the Local Authority Sensory Impairment teams to facilitate the delivery of a specialist curriculum, where necessary, to give our children the skills to become independent young people.
Children have access to our 'Light Room' which is a sensory environment, specifically tailored to VI children, bursting with resources which are often created bespoke, to meet the individual child's needs.
The Provision is led by our Senior Specialist Learning Support Officer, Mrs Thomas in partnership with WISENDSS.
If you have any questions about the VI Provision, please contact our school office and ask to speak to Mrs Thomas or Mrs Fowles (SENDCO).