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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Careers and Enterprise

At South Parade Primary School, we recognise the vital role that is played by primary schools in enabling children to have high aspirations about their future through independent and impartial careers advice. As a school we endeavour to provide children with a range of meaningful experiences, visits and visitors to that teach them about the world of work and provide information about future careers. This is embedded through threads in our curriculum. 

Every Friday we have a PRIMARY FUTURES afternoon where we inspire our pupils by focusing on careers linked to their wider curriculum learning. 

Our aims are to:

  • Aspire pupils to think of the future, increasing aspiration for all
  • Develop and encourage a sense of ambition towards a future career
  • Understand the basic skills and attitudes needed to be successful in the world of work and provide experiences of meaningful interaction with the world of work
  • Provide high quality information from a wide variety of sources –curriculum lessons, growth mind set sessions, PHSRE lessons, Primary Futures sessions and visitors from a variety of careers
  • Challenge all forms of stereotype (by background, gender or diversity groups) and preconceptions
  • Develop self-evaluation skills and make plans for the future
  • Increase knowledge of next stages of education
  • Understand employment-related vocabulary