We have lots of dates for your diary including some exciting events planned for the remainder of the summer term.
22nd May - 24th May: Y6 residential trip to Robin Wood
29th May - 2nd June: School closed for Spring Bank holiday
Week beginning 14th June: Y1 statutory phonics screening check
Thursday 15th June: Class photos
Thursday 22nd June 4:30pm: Meeting for new reception September starters
Thursday 22nd June: Year 6 taster day at Ossett Academy
Week beginning 26th June: Healthy Day (your child's class teacher will let you know which day your child will be doing this)
Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th June: Y6 taster days at Horbury Academy
Friday 30th June: School discos after school KS1 + KS2 (details to follow)
3rd July - 5th July: Y4 residential to Wales
Tuesday 4th July 2:00pm: KS1 sports day (Y1+2)
Wednesday 5th July 9:15am: EYFS sports day (Reception)
Thursday 6th July 1:30pm: UKS2 sports day (Y5+6)
Friday 7th July 2:00pm: LKS2 sports day (Y3+4)
Monday 10th July: Transition morning - children get to meet new teacher ready for September
Wednesday 12th July 3:30pm: Summer Fayre
Tuesday 18th July 1:00pm: SP Fest
Friday 21st July: At end of school day break up for summer holiday