We are EGGCITED to let you know that we will be having SOUTH PARADE’S EGG DAY on Friday 22nd March.
Please encourage your child to think about their design for the day and prepare what they will need to bring with them. Your child will need to bring hard-boiled eggs on FRIDAY 22nd MARCH (in secure packaging – egg boxes are perfect), the number of eggs depends on the design, but allowing for breakages an extra egg will be invaluable.
Your child will also need to bring any resources (sequins/feathers/tissue paper/paint etc.) needed to construct the design at the school. Please help your child to think of a suitable name for the design (eggstinct/ eggciting/eggsample are past names). We will only judge the designs that are made on the day in school. We will attach a PowerPoint (on noticeboard on website) with lots of examples from past entries to give you some inspiration. We look forward to seeing what the children come up with this year!
Nursery and Reception children - please wait to hear from your child's class teacher for their plans for EGG DAY.
The egg designs will be displayed in each classroom and the children will be able to go round and look at other children’s designs.
We will take lots of photographs to share with you all.
There will be prizes!!
Thank you as always for your support.