The government advice is to take extra measures in school on Monday and Tuesday which of course we will be doing.
Can we please ask that you help us to keep the children sun safe too.
All children MUST wear sun-cream and a hat on Monday and Tuesday – if you do not have any of these items and are unable to get them please let your teacher know and we can support you. They must also have a water bottle with them that they can top up throughout the day with cold water.
For the SP FEST on Tuesday we have fully risk assessed the afternoon and we will be going ahead but your child will only spend their performance part of the session outside plus the chance to watch one other song in the shade. We have decided that our children have missed many opportunities over the past two years and built up to things to then be let down – this will provide a safe compromise.
We are advising that parents try and limit their time with us to just their own children’s performances – see the timetable of events. We will try our best to stick to these timings. We will only be having the main gate (top gate nearest main entrance) open on the day as due to safeguarding reasons we must limit entry points. Also for any families that have multiple siblings we will provide classroom 5 as an area where you can wait if you would like to between performances particularly if you have babies and toddlers. There will be cold water in this room available should you need this – but please bring a drink with you also. Due to the extreme heat we will not be providing a drinks/snack stall as previously planned as these items would become too warm but do feel free to bring these with you and place all waste in bins provided. (No alcohol please). As usual, no dogs permitted on our school grounds.
We are really looking forward to our SP FEST and although it will not run as we originally planned we will still have a fun time together.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Peace