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Latest information 16.7.21

Latest information 16.7.21


Unfortunately cases of COVID-19 in Wakefield are rising steeply. The District currently has the highest case rate in West Yorkshire, with particularly high rates for school and college age children and young people.


We have therefore been strongly advised to maintain our existing risk assessment and current arrangements for minimising mixing of different groups of children and staff, in order to reduce transmission and the number of families needing to isolate into the summer holidays. Therefore we will keep our bubbles in place until the end of term.


The legal requirement for contacts under 18 to isolate will not change until 16th August. The formal responsibility for undertaking contact tracing will pass to NHS Test and Trace from 19th July and NOT school. Therefore they will decide who is to isolate through their tracing systems and NOT school.


If we have a positive case in school and we believe that social distancing has not been able to take place then we will need to close the bubble and go to remote learning.  Children will work from home and close contacts will be identified through the new NHS Test and Trace procedures. They will be in touch with you if you are required to isolate. 


Thank you for your support. 

