Following the announcement last night by Boris Johnson that we will remain in stage 3 until July 19th, we unfortunately have been asked to modify our end of year plans once again.
We were really looking forward to our ‘roadmap out of lockdown’ but we also need to keep our children, staff and families safe from coronavirus, in particular this infectious new Delta variant. The good news is that we will still be enjoying sports days, SP FEST and our Y6 leavers in school but as it stands for now, parents will unfortunately not be invited. We will continue to look at the plans for our Y6 leavers as this falls after the ‘Freedom day’.
We are hoping to invite a professional videographer in to school to film our SP FEST event – so that you can watch this at home together with your family.
Can we please remind you to wear facemasks on school grounds. Please can you continue to work with us to stop the spread of this infection. Some local schools are already closing bubbles and we want to avoid this as much as we possibly can. This new variant is very transmissible and can potentially spread more easily amongst the school community.
Thank you for your continued support.