We are pleased to let you know that we have re-arranged our activities this week and have organised for the SP FEST to go ahead this Thursday 21st July. We apologise that this is short notice, but we know that you will appreciate that the weather situation is beyond our control. As it is forecast for Thursday to be a much more bearable temperature, we will start at 1:00pm and you are welcome to stay for the afternoon. The children will stay out all afternoon to watch the other performances as originally planned.
Please make sure your child is equipped with a hat, sun cream and water.
Mr Tyrrell will share the new running order on the Class Stories on Dojo. Some parts of the event are unfortunately not able to go ahead - Rock Steady are completely booked up this week so the bands won't be able to perform. (We will re-schedule this for the new term). Also please bear with us with our technical equipment - we were going to use theirs!
The children have been enjoying practising their performances and are looking forward to being able to perform them for you.
Thank you for your support and understanding.