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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’




PE Kit

We made the decision to continue the rule that children wear their PE kit on the days when they have timetabled PE as long as they stick to the rules.

Unfortunately we are finding that a number of children are coming to school in bright coloured hoodies, tracksuits with logos etc.

We are asking that all children strictly wear:

Black or navy shorts /tracksuit bottoms/leggings, a white t-shirt, and a black or navy tracksuit top. No logos please. 

A pair of trainers.

We expect ALL children to wear the correct PE uniform and ask that all parents/carers support us with this please. 


Lost Property

We are going to introduce a new system for lost property.

On a Friday from 3.10pm the cloakroom of Classroom 5 will be open for parents to access the lost property box. 

The inside door will be locked so there will be no access to school, only the class 5 cloakroom where lost property will be placed. 

We do return items to children when they are labelled with their name - please make sure to do this. 


The Uniform Bank

Our Uniform Bank is now very well stocked. Everything is now catalogued, organised and ready to be accessed. Thank you so much for your kind donations, this is greatly appreciated. 

This is a discreet, free service for any family that requires any assistance with uniform items. We want families who need this to access it, that's what it is there for. 


To access The Uniform Bank please email


We will then ask you what items you would like, sizes etc. and organise for you to collect or we can send home with your child. 


Thank you. 
