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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Spiritual Development

At South Parade Primary School, spiritual development enables pupils to look within themselves, at their human relationships and the wider world.

We are committed to:

  • Celebrating the religious and non-religious beliefs and values that our pupils bring as part of their family culture/heritage and to build an awareness of and respect for others’ spiritual and religious beliefs
  • Fostering common human values and building spiritual capacities to promote self-worth, self-esteem and a valuing of others
  • Helping our pupils to come to an understanding of themselves as unique individuals
  • Developing our pupils’ curiosity, imagination, creativity and promoting a sense of awe and wonder.


At South Parade Primary, we promote spiritual development through:

  • Our Monday PSHRE linked assemblies 
  • Friday celebration assemblies
  • Class presentations (including homework projects)
  • School visits to places of worship
  • Educational visits and visitors which inspire awe and wonder
  • Themed days and weeks
  • RE curriculum
  • PSHE curriculum