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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Year 4 - Mrs Marsden and Miss Pepper

Meet the Year 4 team...


Class 10

Mrs Marsden - class teacher

Mrs Liversedge - teaching assistant

Mrs Thomas, Mrs Wilkinson, Mrs Banks - SEN key worker


Class 11

Miss Pepper - class teacher

Mrs Liversedge - teaching assistant

Mrs Prince, Mrs Hartland - SEN key worker

  • Homework will be a topic themed project.  Details of this will be included in the half-termly newsletter and will be put on Class Dojo or the website.
  • Spellings are sent home on a Friday and should be practised in time for the Spelling Test the following Friday. Children can also use Spelling Shed to practise their spellings.
  • PE is currently on a Monday. Children should come to school in their PE kit. Our PE focus for Autumn 1 is football.
  • We would appreciate any contributions to our class fund. This can be handed to any of the adults in class who will then record it in our class fund book. We will let you know how we have spent your kind donations on our class newsletter.