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‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Year 6 - Mr Morton and Mrs Whiteley

Welcome to Class 14 and 15

2024 - 25


Meet the adults who work in our classes

Class 14 - Mr Morton

Class 15 - Mrs Whiteley

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Clayton and Mr Brown (am). PPA cover every Monday afternoon - Mrs Liversage and Mrs Scholes



Spring 1


This half term, our geography unit is about climate zones and biomes. The half term's homework is to find out more about one biome. What animals and plants live there? What is the weather/climate like there? Once again, the children can present their learning how ever they would like.  These are the main biomes:

  • Deciduous forests
  • Coniferous forests
  • Aquatic: Includes freshwater and marine biomes. 
  • Grasslands:There are two types of grasslands: tropical grasslands (savannas) and temperate grasslands. 
  • Deserts
  • Tropical rainforests
  • Tundra

Websites that might help:,vid:0fb8143ndo8,st:0


Mon 6th January - return to school.

During the week beginning 13th Jan - RSPB Big School Bird Watch. We will decide upon the day closer to the time once we know the weather conditions. We will be going out to count the birds. They will wear uniform as usual but warm coats, hats etc... are recommended. If your child has a pair of binoculars that they could bring in so that they can use them on the day, that would be great. 

Wed 5th - Fri 7th February - Cliffe House Residential 

Thur 13th February - Break up for half term

Fri 14th February - INSET day

KS2 SATs, the national tests, will take place on Monday 12th – Thursday 15th May. It is essential that all children are in school during this week. The final writing assessments will be completed during May and June.

Autumn 2 


This half term’s homework project is to find out about an aspect of life in Anglo-Saxon and/or Vikings times in England, e.g. their religion, their homes, culture and/or art


  • Mon 4th Nov: School re-opens
  • Fri 8th November: School Disco
  • Mon 11th Nov: Walk to the war memorial
  • Tues 12th Nov: Tempest individual/sibling photos
  • Tues 12th November: Christmas shopping evening
  • Mon 9th Dec: UKS2 performance (C12, 13, 14 & 15) 2:00 pm  & 6:00pm 
  • Wed 11th Dec: KS1 performance(C3, 4, 6 & 7): 10:00 pm  & 2:00 pm 
  • Thurs 12th Dec: LKS2 performance (C8, 9, 10 & 11) 2:00 pm  & 6:00 pm 
  • Mon 16th Dec: Reception (C1 & 2) 1:30 pm 
  • Tuesday 17th: Rock Steady concert -  time TBC
  • Wed 18th Dec: Christmas dinner day
  • Thurs 19th Dec: Pantomime
  • Fri 20th Dec: Y5/6 Christmas party
  • Fri 20th Dec: Break up for Christmas break (2 weeks)

Autumn 1

  • School reopens on Tuesday 3th September and closes on Thursday 24th October 2024.
  • INSET days this half term are Monday 2th September and Friday 25th October 2024.
  • Further holiday and INSET dates can be found at
  • This half term’s homework project is to record information about Charles Darwin as this links to our science unit on evolution. e.g. a PowerPoint presentation, a model, a piece of writing, a drawing with facts. This should be brought into school by the last Monday of the half term. 
  • In September, Year 6 will be organising a cake sale to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support.
  • The statutory Y6 national tests will take place Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025. It is essential that all children are in school during this week.  
  • A meeting to give advice to parents around how they can best support their child to achieve their potential during this final year of primary school will be held this half term. Details to follow shortly.  
  • Information about the Y6 residential to Cliffe House will be shared  this half term. More information about this venue can be found at


PE is on a Thursday.  For PE, children require a white t-shirt and black shorts. For games activities outside, children need a white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. Tracksuits, preferably plain, may be worn for games during winter months. All clothing should be clearly labelled. Jewellery must not be worn for sporting activities and long hair should be tied back. 


The aim is for every child to read at least three times a week. Children do not need to read to an adult if they are a free reader but we would ask that all children have their reading record dated and signed each time they have read. Children who are reading a school book should return it as soon as they have finished it so that it can be changed quickly.    has a list of great books Y6 children may enjoy.


Spellings will be given on a Monday and they will have a test the following Monday. Maths and English homework will be given during the week.  

Dojo Messages

We will look at Dojo on a regular basis.  If you have an urgent message during the school day, e.g. that your child needs to go home with someone else, please call the school office. 

