Home Page
‘Home of Lifelong Learners’

Year 3 - Miss Fabregas and Miss Sutcliffe


Welcome to Class 8 and Class 9's page!

In Class 8, the adults are:

Miss Fabregas

Mrs Adamson

Mrs Mpofu

Mrs Wilson


In Class 9, the adults are:

Miss Sutcliffe

Mrs Adamson

Mrs Jobson


On this page, you will find:


- Support with learning and extra resources for home

- Information about the year group and class

- Photos of some of our learning

- Home learning resources



If you have any queries, please see a member of staff. Thank you!

  • Reading books are changed every day and are sent home on the day that they come back.
  • Spellings are sent home on a Friday and should be practised in time for the Spelling Test the following Friday.
  • PE is currently on a Tuesday (Autumn term 2). Children need to come to school in their PE kit as we are not getting changed in school at this time. Our PE focus is dance.
  • We would appreciate any contributions to our class fund. This can be handed to any of the adults in class who will then record it in our class fund book. We will let you know how we have spent your kind donations on our Class newsletter.